
It is worth repeating here that the uncertainty in meteorological
trajectories increases with height. The discussion of cloud

motion is conveniently treated under three headings; the trade

wind portion (surface to about 30,000 feet), the upper tropospheric
portion (30,000 feet to about 55,000) and the stratospheric

portion (55,000 feet to 130,000 feet).

Figures 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4

- are schematic pictures of the outlines of MIKE debris which was
initially located in each particular iayer and remained in that
layer. It should be noted that the esreas shown do not include the
material which was transported vertically from layer to layer.
For example, by 10 November the trade wind layer was contaminated
by fallout and diffusion from above so that almostthe entire

Pacific area probably contained debris in the lower levels, rather
‘than just. the northeastern Part.


© 3.3.1 Trade Mind Portion
The lowest 25,000 feet of the cloud shown in Figure

. 3.1 moved westward for three days then split into two segments, one |
proceeding northward around the west limb of the Pacific high

pressure cell (clockwise circulation) and the other continued across ©

the Philippine Islands and into southeast Asia. Because of more
numerous meteorological data, we can be more certain of the
- trajectory that curved northward and are able to trace this portion
across the Pacific and onto the Uni ted States west coast.on1 10


Upper Tropospheric Portion

Figure 3.3 shows the motion of this layer of the
cloud, initially northward and then gradually turning clockwise

around the anticyclonic circulation just east of Eniwetok (See Fig.
1.1). After the third day, different levels within this layer
commenced to diverge appreciable, the stratum near 30,000 feet
curved toward the northeast to carry debris over the Hawaiian

Islands (first detected there on 5 November) witile the upper

stratum (45,000 to 50,000 feet) curved south and then westward

No detailed estimates
those shown in Figure 3.3 have been
upper air reports in the broad area
America and the Hawaiian Islands or

There is meteorological evidence to suggest the

cloud curved toward the southeast after passing Hawaii.

dadea seed

of the

--1h -

Such a


Marshall Islands.

of the cloud movement,
made because there are
of the Pacific between
elong the equator west


j ieiasd cated

near the equator.

Select target paragraph3