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The detons
ation of a nuciear device releases a tremendous

quantity of heat which serves to vaporize the bomb casing and |

' other nearby material and to heat the surrounding air to very
adsl Antaneied,

high temperatures. The bouyant forces of the heated gas canses
the cloud to rise, sucking up quantities of dust and debris.

The ascending cloud cools by radiation, entrainment of outside


air and adiabatic expansion until it reaches equilibrium with its

"environment, at which time it is said to be stabilized. In the.


continental tests, a short period of hovering at the level of
detonation is usually observed, but it is likely that the explo-


. gion itself produced an upward impulse, at least for the MIKE

shot, since the initial rate of rise to about 90,000 feet was

reported to approach the speed of sound,

Both the MIKE and KING clouds developed the stem and mushroom so characteristic of the atomic explosion, but in the case
of MIKE, the dimensions were very much larger than any previous
burst. Since the bursts both occurred close to the ground the
anomt of debris carried upward was very large.

"In previous reports of fallout from the continental tests,

a relatively complete discussion of the factors governing the |
transport and deposition has been given. Briefly, the movement
of the cloud is the result of the horizontal winds, the spread

of the cloud the result of vertical and horizontal diffusion aided |
by wind shear, and the downward transport the result of scavenging

by precipitation, vertical diffusion and gravitational settling.
Gravitational settling is undoubtedly an important factor within
the first several hours after the burst when the very large particles
fall out, but afterwards it is likely that the main descent of the
debris outside of rain areas is produced by vertical diffusion
rather than gravitational settling.


A comparison of certain phases of transport and deposition
‘of the IVY clouds with those of domestic tests may be informative


in the light of the different locale and the fact that the IVY
clouds -‘penstrated into the stratosphere.

Considering first the locale, two essential characteristics
differentiate the tropics from the mid-latitudjes. First the trade
winds will almost always carry material westward. The upper level -




Select target paragraph3