was processed (viz., Iwo Jima - 1,260,000 d/m).

For example,

papers from Leopoldville, Belgium Congo, and Wellington, New

432 dfn respectively. Many
other samples processed on this day
as well as other days when "hot" papers were processed, indicated activity in areas not believed to have been affected by
the IVY clouis at the ‘time.

1.sl h . Com
unting Accuracy



sah, detente

Zealand exposed the day before the first burst had 2hh2 d/m and .

Counting errors are believed to be unimportant in
comparison with other sources of error. For the purposes of this.
analysis the absolute magnitude of the few very Targe |collections
is not important.

Growth Correction
‘The growth correction is computed from the Way-

Wigner law, which assumes that.tbe decay of activity in the fission

products is proportional to t™"°“, where t is the time since the


Measurements of IVY debris by theNew York Operations

Office (8) indicate that for this series of tests the exponent in

the Way-Wigner law is closer to -1.), however, the error so intro-.
the data.


Burst Assignment:




duced would make the reported activity no more than 20% too low,
which is not significent in comparison with other uncertainties in

Many inconsistencies remain in the data because
their origin ‘cannot be traced or the erroneous item cannot be discarded on the basis of available evidence. For example, there are mumerous cases of more than two gummed>_papers from one station on
@ given day where it was not possible to heve made more than two ©


Select target paragraph3