The body burdens of internal emitters in the Marshallese were estimated
from the data obtained by radiochemical analvsis of the tissues of the abovementioned pigs which were simultaneously exposed, and from a comparison of
urinalysis data from animals and from human beings (Cohn ct al, 1955). The
animal data are indicative of the qualitative nature of the inhalation exposure
to the people, even though thev quantitatively reflect the greater ingestion by
the animals of contaminated food during their prolonged stay on the island.

- The total amount of radioactive material in the G.L. tract of the Rongelap
people at ] dayafter exposure was estimated to be 3 me.
The mean body burden of the Marshallese at } day following the 1954
fallout was estimated to be Sr5®, 1.6 pe; Bas, 2.7 pe; 1381, 6.4 pe and the rare

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Rongelap People


Ficvre 3. Autoradiagraph of tibia of Rongelap rooster, March 1956 (from Cohn, 1955).

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Cohn, Robertson, Conard

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