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Contamination from Local Fallout

tnity «table 5). The largest portion (99 per cent) of the internally deposited

activity was fixed m the skeleton.
The biological localization of residual activity within skelctal tissue is shown
in an autoradiograph of the femur of a pig that was exposed to the initial fallout
for a period of 30 davs following detonation (figure 2}. It will be noted that
there 1s a dense concentration of fission products in the eprphvscal region of
the bone. For comparison. the autoradiograph of a tibia of a rooster collected
at 2 vcars following detonation is shown in figure 3. Here 1s seen a concentrated
deposition of activity in the draphysis and a hghter deposition in the region of
growth at the ends of the bonc. indicating that the primary deposition occurred
soon after detonation. while the ammal was \oung and growing. and that subsequent bone growth incorporated much smaller amounts of radivactive material.

Ficure 2, Autoradiograph of femur of Ronzelap pig; sacrificed 38 days after detonation
(from Cohn, 1956).

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