or. Berpert. vetter:

locations on Bikini Island ovez.a- period@ftime and’ that,
“from & Fediological viewpoint, ithe water:is safe to Grink.*

Despite these:‘assurances,

e|pikinians exprassed

increasing concern over the atell's dntetyewand in 1975

srought # court action to, séekK anorder. directing the Uni

States te. conduct a thotough. xvadiological ‘gwUrvey of the atoil

to Mmeasure.and assess. its safety: .In the court complaint, tha

Bikinians‘openty| concededtheir ignorance as to Bi



reported that Well watet/ sampled shad been:vtaken fromseveral





1971, the Director of: AEC's Division of: Operational Safety


no discernable effect on. either: plant oxrjanimal life."


“Cleanup ana.‘pehabildtation
» be‘mikded began in 1969
in preparation fox resettlement, and. tthe AEC continued to
wenitor Bikini’s‘safety.:.One AECofficial stated in 1569
that "there is: virtuallyino radiation left, and we can find


June 22,. 2979.
Page Two



‘s mavety:

Bee us‘to.jpake an ‘intelligent decision te
-) yesettle Bikini Atoll, ‘we must be able to

.. °Weigh

our d@sire and return againgt the

. o gadiological. risks ‘or returning.

We have |

.. Mot been prpvidedwith that! information.

(daa form thatwe can undereand.


Kftex several years. of:Litigation. and settlement discussions,
the United States agreed to. conduct ai thorough. radiological
study, including aerial radiation surveys and: terrestrial and

wiring studies, of Bikini and:ithirteen other islands amd atolls

in the morthern - Marebalt Islands’ that, received fallout from
one or more of‘the. U.Se nuclear:‘teste) in ithePacific.

“the survey.‘yas conducted in late 1978, and weme of the

results from:the aerial surveys have been, released.

Bafore the

Burvey WAS. even conducted, however; im dical:examinations con-

ducted in April, 1978: 0n the’ 145 people 'who had been moved beck
to Bixint 4n the early (1970's, showed body buxdens so high that
it was Rovessary to fove then:otf Bikini Jslend.
- Based on ‘these. medical examinations and preliminary
reaulta from. the ‘radiological :survey, |the United States bas

announced that BikinijIsiandiwill be off |dinits for habitetion

ox egoricultaral use. for approximately| 60 Years and that Heau
Island dn Bikini scoldwill be off jimits: for at- least 20-25
. A

aguawikandobe who! are‘confused bythe conflicting
inforwation they: have‘received over the years, do not understand why. warlierSurveysbf-Bikdiniw re eiponeous Thay


Select target paragraph3