ani 749 ' iv COMINGTON|“& BURLING e op ee OS SIXTEENTH STREET, NW, e : nmeeer a WASHINGTON,D: C.. ee 7 Ly . a a L i : . . 5 ~ ; . Lee eS : ° ., oe -a - O S (202) es7-€218** Lt Obed - . ‘perbert‘Wetter: Balin . i, . Puen 9O-OC8 - SO womens en International,‘atomic:EnergyAgency. ret aa A-1O11 Vienna wo ye ye saree. Wes Bo . ete pone eet ie ye Ba a pUe s : Pa er :Vett carDe yamcounsel for.“the:people. of: ixini, ‘who were moved. off their atoll in-1946 #0. that the United States could conéuct nuchear weapons tests.::.I am writing 'toiseek your assistance in reviewing the methodology, ‘results and. cenclusionsof recent — ta@iological |and. medical studies|at Bi kind. : From: 1958,the.United: States detonated a3 nuclear devices at Bikini, including the ‘March 1, 1954 byrérocen bomb test “Bravo.” In 1967, nine years. after President Bisen- hower Geclared a moratorium on atmosphetic muciear testing, the Atoaic EnergyCommission . (AEC)” conducted| a’ radiological servo? of Bikini to measure its safety: An Ad. Hoc. Committee appeiated by the AEC reviewed tha resulta: of “the: s Bikini wesPence again‘sake for human habit ey and declared that ton.“ Tiss Feport athe| expostires:‘to ‘yadbation that. would result from the. repatriation | of Bikini. people de - Mot offera significant‘thre at to.their health and icatety."*oe nooord | Ly; on ‘juguat ia,“1968; president dotinson announced that rat ation ‘levels on1 bikin Atoll were Aow enough to allow o - ; BESTCOPY AVAILABL E