
Background and Policy Input of Bair Committee

The basic concept for a team of experts, such as the Bair Committee,

is contained in the AEC Task Group report” as follows:

"A team of experts should be assembled who can make and
interpret field radiation and radioactivity measurements,
advise on cleanup actions envolving plutonium and other
radionuclides, and provide necessary health physics support
including protection of workers, decontamination of workers
and equipment, and packaging and handling of collected contaminated materials.

A Public Health ..... Enewetak Cleanup."

During a symposium held at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL)
in tate June i977, the participants - a group of concerned but unnamed
engineers and scientists - questioned the AEC cleanup criteria and
the method of disposal of contaminated soil.

The Manager, ERDA NVOO,

provided this information to the Assistant Administrator for Environment and Safety by letter 6 July 1977 which suggested that a critical review
of the AEC cleanup guidance and proposed disposal method for contaminated
soil be made.

As a result, a group of -eminent scientists met at ERDA

NVOO in August 1977 with ERDA Germantown representatives and DNA representatives to review the potential problems.

The general consensus was

agreement in principal with what had been proposed.

Committee after the appointed Chairman) was formed by ERDA, Division of
Opez ational and Environmental Safety during the spring of 1978. The

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As an outgrowth of this review, the Enewetak Advisory Group (Bair








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