~representative may have on the comments passed on by Mr. Williams. °

May I also suggest that you make your own personal evaluation. of the
quality and quantity of work being done by DASA in the cleanup operation.
I would greatly appreciate having your own evaluation, regardless of
whether your comments should be passed outside the Department.
As I said at the outset, this is something of a pot-boiler, and I have
a number of requests for information buried in it. If I may recapitulate

them, I should appreciate having by August 11:

A statement from you with respect to the views of Bikinians


An estimate with respect to the employment plans for Bikinians;

(or when those views will be sought) on the design, etc., of housing
‘and village facilities;

3. A time-phased schedule for the several projects in the 1970
budget request;
4. Copies of any sketches or photographs of models for housing or
village facilities for Bikini;


Your comments as to how you might handle press visits and

your decision as to whether to station a press representative on the

atoll or to designate someone to serve in such a capacity;

Whether your designee would prefer an AEC briefing on Saipan,

Bikini, Honolulu, or elsewhere (we may have to make some compromises

as to location of such a briefing); and

7. Your comments on the Meeds correspondence -- at the minimum
based on your atoll representatives reports and, possibly, your own
observations following your visit with Admiral Mustin.
For our part, we shall keep you advised of the progress of the Appropriations bill, Defense requirements for unmanned sites on Bikini, and
any other developments affecting your plans or programs for Bikini.

Sincerely yoursy. f3

Elizabeth P. Farrington



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