‘If I-may turn to the question of publicity.

DASA had planned to

conduct two press tours to Bikini, but they were cancelled by the

Defense Department. We understand that some thirty representatives
of the "media" were made aware of the proposed press trips and the
cancellation, Several, including -- we understand -- Hill Williams of the

Seattle Times, representatives of the London Sunday Times, the Japan Tele~
vision system, and the Australian Broadcasting system, are insistent upon
making an early visit to Bikini. How DASA or Defense handles the problem
is basically up to them, but as soon as responsibility passes to the
Trust Territory, it will become yours.
_ Interior and the Trust Territory have consistently followed a policy of
cooperation and assistance to the press and.we see no reason why this
policy should not be followed in the case of Bikini when it returns to
your jurisdiction. On the other hand, you certainly have no facilities


or funds to mount a press "tour" nor do we beiieve you need to attempt to

do so.
There will also be the practical problem of your accommodating
any press people who arrive at Bikini and there is the further problem
of their getting to Bikini. I believe the only practical course for you
to follow is to welcome all comers from the press, within the limits of
your physical facilities, on a first come first served basis. This was
the procedure followed last August and it met with press approval. The
press also paid its own way to, from, and at Bikini; also without objection.
I believe you should expect them to do so in the future.
In any event, you will soon be presented with requests from the press and
your Information Officer, Mr. Ashman, should be brought fully into the
planning process so that he can handle any inquiries that come in.


may also want to have a "press" person on the atoll during the rehabilita-

tion phase to help any press visitors, At the least, you may want to consider having Mr. Ashman accompany you on your August visit to Bikini with
Admiral Mustin. Whoever serves as your press representative should also
get a thorough briefing from the AEC on the radiation hazard -- or lack
thereof. We will be glad to arrange for such a briefing. I think this is
very important because of the rather great amount of misinformation being
circulated publicly on this question. At the moment, I would commend to

you the AEC report of the "ad hoc" committee which formed the basis for

the AEC decision that Bikini radiation levels do not pose "a significant
threat" to the returning people. You can expect a ‘continuation of thehigh
quality of assistance and _cooperation of the AEC.

Lastly, I enclose some correspondence I have had with Congressman Lloyd


Mr. Meeds has a very great interest in Bikini and his constituent,

Hill Williams, also has a great professional interest. I should appreciate
your letting me have, as soon as possible, any comments you or your Bikini

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