60 60 59 59 37 37 37 37 25 25 25 25 550 550 350 350 350 350 235 235 235 235 oN ods Lo \O 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 12. 13. 14, WOO co 1) wo nn . em .22 4 .192 38 st 0O 27 27 4.8 8.8 aD 27 27 40 40 60 60 59 99 550 550 56 1.08 32 6 40 40 59 + 60 59 > 60 (0.2%/rem) ** % Increase .28 56 nN .64 1.18 om LO Spontaneous Birth Defects (rem) atc N st (10.7%-11%)* 30-Year Dose NWO 550 550 Number of Births Population and BIRTH DEFECTS Oat ~- Oo on NWN .224 No. of Increased Birth Defects Number Based on 0.01%/rem