
Prior to relocation,

the Bikinians were an isolated

people with relatively little contact with outsiders.


they have experienced multiple relocations which have

altered both their social and physical environments.


Bikinians' first resettlement on another northern atcll ended
in disaster after two years when it became known that the new
location did not provide an adequate subsistence base.
emergency meaSure,

As an

the islanders were evacuated to a military

base in the Marshalls where they were compelled to compare
their own culture and society with the part of America represented by the United States Navy.

After several months,

islanders were moved to a small single island


(not an atoll)

-in the southern Marshalls,' and ecological zone that differs
greatly from that of the north.

This resettlement also brought

the Bikinians into frequent interaction with more acculturated

Marshallese (Kiste, 1968, 1974).

the course of

their Successive


Bikinians were always under the impression that they would
eventually return to their atoll.

Within the past year,

negotiations between Bikinians and federal officals were
finalized and plans were underway to permit rehabitation.
Unfortunately there is still one major problem that
Bikinians must contend with--portions of their atoll contain
dangerous levels of radioactivity.
tively small,

2.3 square miles,

restrain islanders

it will be difficult to

from roaming about in the danger zones,

particularly children.


Since the atoll is rela-

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