Nose Swipe Data

the action level equates to 112.6 pci per filter paper.
What is done is to take the gross alpha activity in counts
per minute of the filter paper using a field survey instrument.

If a certain number of counts is obtained,

it equates

_to an approximate concentration in the air of radioactivity
and triggers additional measurements,

i.e., nose swipes.

The action level at Enewetak is conservative, thus many
nose swipes are taken when conditions such as have apparently existed recently occur-- an apparent abundance of
short-lived natural alpha-emitting isotopes, probably radon

from sea water.

The field instrument does not discriminate

among alphas from plutonium, americium or radon or any other
That the activity on the filter paper is short-lived is
borne out by the fact that no activity is measured a few
days later in the laboratory.

The aspect of these messages that should be emphasized,

in my opinion, concerns the statement about a programming
error that existed for close to four months.
surprising that an error occurred;


It is not
it is surprising

that the fact that the Ys in the air sample measurement
valves during that period apparently did not provoke a bit
of curiosity on She part of someone as to whether they were

real or not, or “Gua—te the probable cause,
aa ete may be that
it did, and they couldn't find the reason until this time
had elapsed.)

Abrupt changes are important to rad-safe

people from the standpoint of what caused them-- Are they



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