a. . eu? . # = ar nat aleMM be a ‘ nat *, : ¢ eo Me. ~ * ae ae Nt { 4 a i, oR mien ee ln eel | Lea) iY, ee 5S § inqr® Ks ee fh M a W MEMORANDU SUBJECT: fit { Nose Swi > The attached n to why it is, an@ ueis vg th, the sls 7sa 1S. to taking of swipes follows for - An "action level" is a derived rever 46 err stances and has meaning really for health otdeie ad-safe It is” an indicator that attentiveness is en - ois, oy e type personnel. reum- laboratory dealing with radioisotopes that may become air- T dt. “ For example, in a borne, health physicists can place an air sampler, take concentration measurements, measure air flows, characterize particle sizes and obtain other measurements. of time, Over a period they will have enough data to correlate a gross reading from the filter paper of the air sampler with the concentration of radioactive material in the air and the potential for an individual to become contaminated by it. Thus, an "action level" can be set based on the filter paper gross reading-in counts or disintegrations per minute, not tee ve ae a quantitative basis-- which triggers or indicates to the rad-safe personnel that a condition is developing that will ule: 5, “we te ay at “ne is, os 5 Meeps fn “ BA ae yeh fe ve’ "y proper or needed for some situation. EES ay Je a . . . eoae * - 3a na . ‘ . ~-~ foo. : -4 tuple, oh ce oe + “. . a Mon require additional measurements or actions. Obviously, at Enewetak conditions are not generally consis- tent as they would be in a lab; yet it is still of value to have a field indicator for rad-safe purposes. So air samplers are used with this action level, which they have set at about 112.6 pci/sample. But what is really meant-- at least in my experience and understanding-- is that -** Fo & C77TéE (7) oo?2