


He spoke of the interest of many persons in the genetic effects of
irradiation and of the research projects that concern human populations.
A full discussion ensued,

It was Dr. Glass’ opinion that the present program lacked focus on
the specific question, genetic raciation to human populaticns, for
which an answer is needed because of the current state of world opinion,

He said further that it might be well te re-evaluate the program by
giving tactful suggestions to competent people tnat certain things

need to be done,

In this connection he stated that he had been

urging Dr. Russell of Oak Ridge for a mumber ci years to broaden
his program by workins on mutation in the female mouse,

What is

needed is a good deal of programmatic research, perhaps to develop
a genetic investigation, based on tissue culture techniques,
Dr. Failla pointed out that the greatest and most important discoveries
come not from directed research, but from just playing around with
something, by someone who has an idea, and eventually he discovers
something that no one has thought of before.
Dr, Shilling stated that there are people in the country who are very
happy to work on problems ether of their interest, or problems that
they think will be significant to the national effort.

He believed

that the National Research Council is an excellent media to initiate
such work.


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