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A major objective could well be the development of an


The training of radio-biologists in field techniques remains
a prcblem,

"Nawarcness cf responsibilities" among ecologists by utilization of scientific meetings, conferences, aud publication
of material germane to ecological researches,

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Mr. Butenhoff gave a general review of the Radiation

Instrumentations Brauch!s research program.

He said that the Branch

Supports a one-half million dollars off-site research program in
instrumentation and that roughly estimated apnroxima:ely ten million
dollars a year was being spent on on-site rescarch and development.
Most of this work is being carried on by scieicific investigators
in instrument divisions in the various Laborataries,

Mr. Butenhoff displayed several phctomultiplicr tuoes 1anging in size
from a small three-quarter inch diameter tube to the large sixteen
inch diameter tube and he explained the exact function of each tube.
He described the research projects that are underway concerning
radiation instruments,

Dr. Bugher brought out that one of the things that is very important
in this area is the use of radioactive materials in medical diagnosis
and in this connection the cost of instruments to be used in medical
research was discussed,

Genetic Program

Dr. Emerson summarized the genetic program, listing

the various methods of approach, areas of particular accomplishment,
extent of the total program and plans for the future.


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