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Dr. Bugher statccd that British Royal Sccicty have taken similar

In this ccnnecticn Dr, Failla stated that at the Genetics meeting in

Princetcn that he tricd to get the geneticists tc @rce tentatively
at least, on the permissible value for the whele population,
The preblem is uncer stucy anc is to be consicercec by the panel at
the February unceting,
Dr. Faille alsc brought up the problem of safcty regulaticns.


saic that there is a problem concerning the NORP reccmmencaticn regarding permissible levels cf raciation for ecntrolled arcas anc uncontrolled
arcas, permissible limits for occupational expcsure, and non—ccecupaticnal

Thc limits set fcr non-occupetional expcsurce arc ten

percent cf the others.
The Committec is keonly interested in this prcblem and will fcllow
it carcfuily.

Exceutive Scssion

Dr, Warren reporte2 cn the activitics of the

Executive Committce cf the National Research Council which he attcnded
anc wherein the probloms cf the ABCC wore discussec.
Ncete: In this ecnnccticn the reccmmencations cf the ACBM are reported
under the Jiscussion of the ABCC Program.


wr ee ek ce ee

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