39 =

It was the cpinion cf the Committec that the repert is mere effective
and mere informetive with the ccmments cn it as mace by the staff
“of the Divisicn.

Dr. Dunham brought to the attenticn cf the

Committcc thet the repert

as preparc. with the cemments shoul? be

neld in ecnficenee.

Status Report

Dr. Bucher cutlincd the backgrounc cf the

NSA ~ Joint Stucy |on

Committec ferme’ by the Rockefeller Fcouncaticn -


Naticnal Acacemy cf Scienccs tc make a jcint

stucy on raciaticn effects.
Ec statues that the plan had the apprceval cf Presidcnt Eisenhcwcr ant!
Ne. Dulles as woll eas Chairman Strauss,
weule be cight pencils.

It was proposea that there

The first panel cn cenctics mot at Prinectcn

arcuna the micdic cf Nevembor, the seen? penel, cn peathelorical
stusics, which Dr. Warrcn will chair plans to meet curing December,

The othcr pancls, the panel on preodlems cf waste Cisposal has net becn
esteblishcd anu no meeting has been schedulicc.

The mctccrolcegy

aspects cf Cispersel is in a planning stage end ne meetings have
been scheculcc,

The fcur other panels which are still quite nebuicus,

include the effects of atcmic raciaticn on fcod supplics, oceancgraphic aspcets on cdispersel, anc ccntaminaticn problems, mcteorolcvgy,
the cffects on culture anc urban pattcrns, cconcmic, cultural ani
anc gcencral recrganizaticns cf urban pattcrns, and lastly,

on the flcra anc: fauna, and on the balance cf organic life.


we ee

the effects

Select target paragraph3