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Mr. McGarry cnlarcct on Dr, Dunham's statement by saying

that if

this course is approve. that therc would be ecnsiccrable administretive
~coxpense involved in rolaticn to the deller valuc of the isctcpes uscd.
Ho wrecd thet, should approvel be srantcc the framework of the program
be clearly defined.
Dr. Failla pointes ouws that the transpertaticn charrpes arc larger
than the e-st :? the isotopes.

He stated further that AEC facilities

mignt be able te provide small amounts fcr training purpcsces, anc

that he uncerstec. that the NYOO previlec small amounts to high

Dr. Bugher saic. that Ccmmissicner Libby would be onthusiastic fcr
@ plan ta suppiy these small amcunts of training isctopes for high

schocls without ccst.

Mr, McGarry thought that cnc of the problems that would be associatca
with this plan weulc be of gotting the werd passcd arcunc that the
isctcpcs cculc be mace available for high schcol training.


slow ercwth of the new pregram would seem to indicate that knew
ledee sf its cxistcnee is nct as widesprcad as it should be.
Dr, Glass lid net think this would be toc difficult - prcblem to
have the informaticn circulated arcunl tue high schecls.

He suggested

that notices reserding the availability <f isotcpes fcr training
purpescs, with instructions as tc how to make applicaticn fcr them


Select target paragraph3