6 ee re Cree ee

Me, MeGaerry cpened his remarks by giving a
bricf history cf the isotcpe rescarch suppert
progrem frem its inception in 1943 to the prescnt year.

He statce

that in March 1955 the Commission approve! a prepesal to cxpand
the program to include all biomecical researcli,

RBicmedical rescarch

vs acfinec as meulical research, rescarch in clagncsis and therapy,
research in picliey ana research in ogriculture,
Mr, McGarry presentod a comarative cost statement dcpicting the
cost cf the program fcr the first fcur months of the last fiscal
year when the isctepes were usca cxclusively for cancer research
anc therapy anc fur the first four months cf this fiscel ycar under
the new progran,

Ho said thet the new prceeram was growing steadily but slowly.


are now 230 medical projects uncer the program (scmc, cf course, arc

cancer carry overs),

What is more significant is that there are 88

biclogical and agricultural projects.
The questicn cf potting the now program meving fastcr - was considcred,
Dr, Dunham said that one or two applicaticns fcr isctcpes had becn
recciveu requesting that the subsity be sranted these users when
the isctcpcs wer

to be used strictly in training ccurses,


believec that this cculd be conc = but the gucsticn is ~ whcther
it rcally is werthwhile.


Select target paragraph3