- 324

two, an Luvisery Committe: fer Biclcey ans Mcdicinc, that reported
circetly te the “EC rathor than to th: Division cf Biolesy and

For that rcason the Committce was set up with its cwn


"Wt that time taere was net ecnecrn te sc creat an cxtent with
antitrust provisicns cr conflicts -f intcrest, but rather te getting

en cssential gon cone.

IT assume wiile the Gencral Counscl!s Officc

must nave censiverec. thes. points in scttine up of trie Committce,
at ali sure

that they hac ecnsicercd them in the light

cf these recent thines that you have erllc’. te cur attention."
Dr, Warren contimed by reading the important paragraphs of the
report of the Mocieal Beard cof Revicw.
He brougut to the attention cf the Committcc a letter from Chairman

tat cd August 7, 197, cppointinzg the members cf the

Committce in which the following paragraph was inecrprratec:
3rd pararraph -~ 3rd pare
"In crcucr that the Commission can implemont anc ec forward
with their recommencaticns, the next step must be te have
the Acvisory Committec for Biolcgy and Mccicine become
cpcrative, We propcse that this Ccmmittcc be of a stature
comarcble to cur Gencral Acvisory Committee (aninc-men

Committeo provided in the Atomic Encrry fet cf 191,6 and
appcinte:: by the Prcosigent from Civilian life) an® that
it will funeticn as a largely inécronecnt bocy and, in

ec “iticn te revicwing Commissicn pre:rams, makes policy
recemm nuaticns on its own initietive. The crganiartion of the General Acvisory Committee int. working subcommilttccs anc the schevuline of

by the @ mmittec itscif., en

its mectines are determince



(signc °)

Davis E, Lilicnthal

Select target paragraph3