
with broadening the basc with respect tc engincers anc that he

eculd net sec why the Division cf Biology ani Medicine could not
be included.

cn Advisory
eee ee ee Co


Mr, Berman openca thc discussion by reacing
into the recur? a letecr from Judge Barnes,

Assistant Attorncy General in charze cf the antitrust Division,
Department of Justiec, to Congressman Ccller rogarcing precaution
ary stancards to puide aavisory boarcs, su as to minimize the
possibility of violation cf antitrust lows,

See copy cf letter - Addcncaun B

Dr. Warren spokc of the cencrel history cof the ACBM when the AEC
was first fcrme? vy saying that tne "Chairman of ANC askcc. a group
of scicntists in whem he had confidence to constitute a Bcard of
Review to see whet had been cone in the ficid uncer the Manhattan
Project, anc to review what the current mcdical problems cf the
Cemmissicn were, anc to recommenc tne mevcs to be made tc establish
principles for bcth the care cf Commission and contractor omplcyces,
and to guide rescarch in the field,

This Board cf Review issucd a

report which wes well and carefully thought out,"
"Their recommendaticn was that there shonid be two somewhat distinct

groups dealing with these problems of medicine and biclocy related
subjects; onc, an cperating Divisicn cf Biology anc Medicine, and


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Select target paragraph3