~ 29

"T think it performs an cxeeedingly valueble functicn,"

"I thought

that perhaps cne stcp in the evalueticn cf preposals by e panel
“before it comcs to the research committec might be helpful."

Dr, Bughcr commented that "when you think of a pancl having kncwledge of the pregram, the knewledac of the AJiverse ficids, ana the
intimacy of assccjaticn to constitute a final body ¢ review with

respceet to priority anc rclative merits, the staff cf the Division

is thet pancl.”
Dr, Snilling replicc - "that is correct."
Dr, Dunham suggested and the Chairman agrecc that the question of
what are the criteria for evaluating roscarch proposals, individuals,
universitics, otc. be presented tc the Ccmmittec for their consiceration at the next meeting.
Dr. Failla thought thet it would oc highly desirable to initiate
some sciontific programs in forcign countries wnich weuld net require
a long time to sct up, and which woulc not cost very much moncy, but
woule reach a lot of the scientists in these different countries anc
would devclep gocc will for this ccuntir’.
A full discussion cnsucd.
The Committce was gratifiod tc learn that through the new Divisicn
cf Feregin &ffairs and the Internaticnal Cocpcraticn Agency there

See eee

eee coe 8

Select target paragraph3