- 26 .

Dr. Cantril inquirca whether it would be advantageous for cither
a mombcr cf the staff or cutside consultants to visit the project
er laboratory morc often, rather than evaluating the prcegram from
a peper or writtcn repert,
Dr. Shilling gave an unqualificd yes to this questicn - "we should
make more visits.”

Mr. Brown interjcctec at this point to say that with the numbcr of
staff that we have, wo have approachca the limits of cur physical
ability of gcttinge mere travel,

The cther fact is that we arc the

smalicst Division in the Commission, and we have the largest travel


Wo have a travel budgct cf $88,000,

"It scems tc mc we are

almest impclled tc rcly increasingly on consultants unicss we get a
substantial inercasc in staff anc travel funds,”

Dr, Dunham remarked that we have one cther source of cxpert advice
which docs not apocar on the consultant list,
scicntists in cur Naticnal Laberatorics,

Thet is the lLcading

We draw farly heavily upcin

thesc people, asking them te revicw proposals, etc,
Dr, Glass cmphesized that the helpful thing that you get by scnding
proposals te a pancl rather than to an individual is a little more
of an overall judpmcnt.

Dr. Glass stated further that he did not mean to imply that the research committce of the Divisicn as it cpcratcs should be replaced.


we em eee eee oe ee

Select target paragraph3