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Researcn Evaluation

Dr, Shilling gave a general presentation cf

various mcthocs of evaluating new rescarch proposals and rcnowals
by various Federal Agencies including the National Fescarch Council
ana the Division of Biclogy and Medicine,

He spcke cf the different

technigucs used by the differcnt agcncies in first cvaluating research
proposals, and reevaluating the ongoing research relative to rencwal

of ecritinued syuppert.
Dr, Shilling askec the advice and counscl cf the Committec on what
is the best way to do an honest jcb,

of evaluating the proposals -

the very scriocus problem of how co we cvaluate.
The qquestion we arc asking g “is what wo are dong

now satisfacto


or how should it be donc?"

Dr. Failla said that the program was set up initially to get pecplc
to werk in the atomic energy field,

Now we ere coming to the point

where there are no funds for new contracts,
are you going to do?

The question is, what

"Arce you going to stop making new contracts,

or are you going to climinate some of the old ones, and on what basis?"
Dr, Dunham statcd that he belicved the matter of no funds for new
contracts is a tcmpcrary situation.

Ncverthelcss, it was his cpinion,

and he felt strongly ebout it, that a gocd look should be taken at
what scrt of thing is being supportcc frcm here cn cut, and how much
cof a general Science Foundation activity we should continuc, as



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