- 25

Dr, Centril askec Mr, Haggerty if he had any idca cof the number of
ccbalt sourccs in use in telethorapy?
Mc. Haggerty then supplied the Committce with a papcr that listcd
the number of Installed Tcletherapy Units with more than 1000 curies
(20 in number) and 2 Units with less than 1000 curies,

Dr, Failla reisca the questicn cf wncther this funcvinn did not
belong tc the United Statcs Public Health Service?

Alsc, what is

tne funceicn of the Division of Biology and Mcdicinc, to help in
rescarch or t help in therapy?

Dr, Faillar said he was not talking against this, "I am talking about
whether it comes properly uncer AFC cr the USPHS when it ccals with

treatment cf patients."
Dr. Durham statcc that the action of this Committce anc the Commission
a ycar ego in setting the rules for subsidization cf radicisotopes, that cevticn was implicit - that we do not support therapy for thorapy's

Upon the conclusion of the discussicn the Committce unanimously
approved the following motion:
"That the Committce cndcerscs the prescnt policy of
the Division of Biology and Medicine in not
expanding the support of teletherapy evaluation


Select target paragraph3