Bismuth-207 Analyses
The solvent extraction techniques of Sill and Willis
were used for separating and purifying 207 54.


Bismuth-212 was

used as a yield determinant.

239 Analyses

Plutonium-238,239 was separated by a combination of solvent
extraction and anion exchange techniques
1960; Kressin and Waterbury,

1962), with electrodeposition as

the final step in the separation.
determine yield.

(McCowan and Larsen,

Plutonium-236* was used to

A quantitative separation of plutonium from

the coraline soils and sediments is exceptionally difficult and
it is therefore essential that


Pu be used as a yield determi-

nant and that counting be done by alpha spectrometry.
Tritium Analyses

Well water samples were measured for tritium content by a

liquid scintillation technique with a minimum level of detection
of 200 tritium units.

The predominant radionuclides in the terrestrial organisms

are 1 Tos and





Sr, whereas the marine organisms contain mainly

* Provided by the USAEC Health and Safety Laboratory, New York.

Select target paragraph3