MOE F $120.2 C (4-80) C U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY FIELD TASK PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT 1, WORK PACKAGE NUMBER] 2. TASK NO.|3. REV. NO. 4. PROJECT NO. {5. DATE PREPARED . 7. TASK TITLE 4/23/82 8. WORK PACKAGE TITLE Marshallese Patients’ Medical Travel 9. BUDGET AND REPORTING CODE| 10. TASK TERM Begin: HA-05-Ol-c | End: G. CONTRACTOR NUMBER DE~AC08-76NV00020/ 003402 Marshall Islands & Related Health Programs 11. CONTRACTOR NAME 112. CODE Holmes & Narver, Continuing Inc. tsee instructions} Energy Support Div./PO 13. CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER (Name:Last, First, MI} (ETS No.) 14. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS (Name:Last, First, MI) Stanley, W.J.; Director, PASO/USDOE FTS No. 556-0220 Ask for (808)422-9211 N/A 15. WORK LOCATION (See instructions): Name of facility. City, Stare, Zip Code Marshall Islands TTPI . 16. Is this tasx 17. Does this task include included in the any management Institutional Plan? services offorts? O ves QO ves CNno Te) 18. TASK DESCRIPTION [fApproach, relation to work package, in 200 words or /ass} SEE ATTACHED SHEETS. 19 CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER {Stgnature) 20. Q).. DETAIL ATTACHMENTS. Pacelty Requiregenends Date) (See mstrucnuoas} Oa. Backyround arn Future accomplishments Chi. Explanation of milestones Ola. tuniiearens Ole. apornacn Cn. Relationships tu other proects (J. o. 4. Vargsercee 0D t. Teehmical prowess O t Enviranmentat assessment On. Za8 Detail Other (Specily):