
The contamination level permissible to leave for an agricultural

island is being defined by LLL.

Assuming that the permissible level remains at about 100 pCi/g

estimated volume of soil to be removed is about 19,000 cu yd, 1462 truck

loads, 244 boat: loads.

Alternatives appear to be:


Clean to agricultural level.


Clean to x level, plow to attain agricultural level.


Redesignate as “food gathering".

Do not clean (except over 400

if any).


Designate other islands (such as Mijikadrek, Kidrinen, Aej,

Billae) as agricultural islands.

Plow to reduce dose potential.

(This may be desirable because

of accessability from Aomon.)

Disposal alternatives for contaminated soil.

Regardless of decision

on level for cleanup of Runit the contaminated soil brought from other


islands (Boken,Enjebi, Lujor, Aomon) will be at contamination levels lower nn”
than those remaining in place on Runit.

Expending funds and resources


to entomb soil contaminated to levels less than 200 pCi/g while leaving A750
soil contaminated to double, or higher, levels would not appear to be

cost effective.

Nor would it be radiologically sound.


Use of soil


contaminated to lower levels to cover soil contaminated to higher levels

would reduce the availability to man of the higher contamination levels.
Yet to fail to entomb the contaminated soil in the crater would be a
violation of the EIS.

In this case we can be wrong no matter what we do.



Select target paragraph3