
Roger Ray, and other DOE representatives, have several times

expressed their opinion that any expenditure of resources on Runit_
cleanup is wasted.

DOE is in the position of our radiological cleanup

advisor for this operation.



According to Roger Ray, there is no scientific rationak to establish

a contamination. level above which cleanup is required, other than the 400

pCi/g number.

To cleanup "hot spots" above 1000, or 5000, or 10,000 pCi/g

is an arbitrary decision, not supported by scientific rationale.


Level of cleanup to be achieved for’ Enjebi (Janet).
Enjebi is listed in case 3 as only a food gathering island (clean

only to below 400 pCi/g).

This criteria would require no soil removal

from Enjebi.

The desirability of cleaning Enjebi to residential level (below

40 pCi/g) has been recognized.

Estimate of volume of soil to be removed is Enjebi is cleaned to

below 40 pCi/g was about 36,000 cu yd, 2800 truck loads, 471 boat loads.
Estimate of volume to clean below 50 pCi/g was about 8000 cu yd, 615 truck
loads, 102 boat loads.

Roger Ray indicated that it may be acceptable to clean to 50 rci/e

level and then plow to achieve the 40 pCi/g level.



Level of cleanup to be achieved for Lujor (Pearl).

Lujor is planned for agricultural use (2,331 coconut trees are to

be planted).



Select target paragraph3