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University of Weshington
Seattle 5, Washington

December 11, 195%




Comments on apo in Land Crabe re.: Or.


teymnour's letter of

December 4, 195f:

the sr?° levels in land erabs can be expected to remein
econstznt (excepting physical decay) over 4 period of years.
This statement is based on the data resulting from repeute!
collections at Belle Islan’,


during a period of two

years following Nectur test.

The radloactivity in the carapace (exoskeleton) aue to
long lives Lsotopes remained approximately constant at a level

of spproximately. 10,000 d/m/e wet throughout a period of 23
months during which collections were made.

Rudiochemical analysis of 15 samples taken at varfious times
suring the collecting period, and three samples taken 35 days
before Nectur test demonstrated thet virtually 100% of the


long lived isotopes was Sr “and its x70 daughter,
The land crabs being onmivorous can probably be consiceres
an index of biologically avallable strontium,

However, the

ratio of the strontium to that in fooc ttems is not known.
Juiging from the meager data presently available the radiostrontiws content of the crab skeleton is more than ten times
that in land plants on a wet weight busis and is more than threes
times that in soil on a dry weight oasis.

The data from the Belle Island collections indicates that
turnover of strontiun in the land crab skeleton is rapit.


Select target paragraph3