
PCST=SHiT noaTHie:




The weather efter shot time detericrazed rasidly due to inscces
The winds elo2t for Eniwetok and Rongeriz were less

favorable from a fallout point of view (Incl No. 1 and 2).

Chart Mo. ll is the computed air particle’ trajectories for 254%

day, based on date aveileble through 3433 hours.

<Acslification of

other levels than those presented is in order since the scatter free
the surface to 25,000 feet was in @ continual flux.

The 25,000 fost

trajectory was essentially the same for 30,000 feet.

Frome 12,t%K t

18,000 feet the trajectories lie between the 10,000 and 20,020 Loot

jectory and the 12,000 foot most like the 10,000 foot trajestors.


other words, between 10,090 and 20,000 feet there =ust have bees ¢7:siderable cispersion, with the 20,0090 fost level having the aos xem

From 6,000 to &,000 feet, the trajectories

egein start showing northerly components, with the 6,000 foot ani deiow trajectories being generally froz the ezst northeast.




Tae outlook on the corning of 27 Febru ry was very feverebdle

fren tne radsefe point of view.

The wines for shot cine were fere-

cast to be easterly fron the surface through 20,000 feet,
easterly at 30,00C feet, southerir et 45,000 feet, anc southvestesiy

at 50,090 feet.

Tne situation was cuenging sligntlr; 27 Fetmuary

would have been an ideal shot daz (Incl Ne. 3}.




level patterns with the 18,0°¢° foot most lise the 20,000 foct trae

therly component cf motion.

aT Ene

local cloudiness.



Select target paragraph3