degrees at 40 knots = 45 thousand Leer 250 degrees at 38
knots - 50 thousand feet 80 degrees at 10 Imot) = 5S cheve
sanz feet lightly and variable - 70 thousand feet K deo

grees at 25 Imots - % thousend feet 70 degrees a% 23 iccts.

(f° He Hrs: TEATHER: No change in 3-8 forecast. _=DS: Zo

(2) The air particle trajectory chart (Chart Ko. 6) was used 2
brief cn the movement of the cloud after detonation

for the several

levels ocrtrayed.



General Synoptic Situetion


(1) SZEFACE - Tae general synoptic patterns at this tine differed
froz those earlier only by the continued eastward aovement cf t:.0


high pressure cell (Chart Mo. 7).

UFP=2 LEvaLS ~ The clockwise syste had moved slightly te tb


east and south, with the wincs at upper levels tending to tesans

more westerly (Chart Ko. 10).

&t 20,00 feet the emi) clockwise

feet the flow remained dominated by the cincr eddies waist hal exie-

ted at 2303002 (Chart Mo. &).

be -Por the observe? local conditions versus the fcrecast fer enc. cist,


gee pacecranhs 5g, h and i below.

a revised air particle tralecstors

forecast was issued at HfL, hours, based on cate avallatie th =.

#49 hours (Chart No. 11).

‘The asjor chanse, wich hac not Dees

forecast, wes in the 22,009 foot tresecvery.



circulation west of Kwajalein had expanded (Chart No. 9). At 27,92X

Select target paragraph3