
bun ae-\

where complaints were treated as though radiatinn had not been present.
Sicin lesions were kept clean by surgical soap with excellent results lead-

ing to a minimm of secondary infection and rezarkably prompt healing,


is felt that this eonservative regimen gave optima results and that all
patients are recovering satisfactorily.


Detailed reports will be randered by Project 4.1 om all cases.

Detailed statistical analyses will be required to properly evaluate the
data derived. Urine sazples which have been analyzed in the U. $, will

be combined with this study.

A detailed study of characteristics of the

fallout sarples, shielding properties of the measuring
weather analysis will be necessary before a mre exact
whole body radiation can be established. The study of
lead to a meh clearer concept of dose versus effect.

instruments, and
dose of external
all aspects should
The picture of ex

ternal garma radiation with a broad spectral band, combined with external

beta radiation, and internal hazard makes a very complicated problem in

the final report.

As a corollary to immediate treatment of the personnel exposed to

the radiation, evaluation of the hazard remaining upon rehabilitation anst
be investigated. To that end soil and water samples, animals, plants and
other comestibles are being investigated with a view of determining if and
when the natives may be returned to their hone atolls.


All persomel who have been involved in large dose exposures and

those whose dose was small but who may have to reside in an active area
should be observed over a long period of time. The first year following
the teste, re-examination should be at quarterly intervals. This has been
discussed with the Director, Division of Biclogy and Medicine, AEC, who

advises that it is the intention of his organization to aaintaina period=

de observation aystea.

In summary, natives froma adjacent atolls and Americans from the
Task Force were exposed to radiation in doses from a few roentgens to
apprarimately 150 roentgens. Some of the more heavily irradiated may be
considered to have been borderline from a standpoint of seriousness.
All should recover from the effecte of the exposure.

Colonel, Medical Corps


Staff Surgeon

Select target paragraph3