A& about the same time that epilation apreared in the
grcup, mall skin lesions became noticeable on the folds of thecettethe

forehead, shoulders, and arms. They appeared to be superficial and et
first were hyperpigmented. As time went on, the lesions, which becane
blister like, began to peel leaving a whitish depigmented area in the

center. The skin sanifestations continued to appear throughout the nosth
of March, all going throtgh the same cycle and involving most of the na-


The acst severe cases occurred on the feet with one exception -

one aan developed a deep ulcer behind one ear. By this time all of the
akin lesions except the ear have virtually healed and it appears that re=

pigmentation is taking place.

Sigiler findings tut in a lower percentage and at a later date

oceurred in the Ailinginse group. One American developed what appeared
to be superficial radiation leaions on the back. They were hyperpigmeo~
ted and behaved as the others.
Throughout, there have been no demonstrative systemic symptcas

other than an epidemic of calds in the Rongelap group.

A few cases of

secondary infection from sicin lesions and some unexplained high fever
in children responded well to penicillin with no sensitization reaction.

The white blood counts reached a minimm during the latter part
of March with a late depression in blood platelets becoming apparent.
The level of the mean counts being well below normal mean counts. Lowest
counts were about 30,000 compared to a normal mean of over 300,000 for

the natives. ‘There is a definite upswing in the entire blood picture of
both the natives and Americans at the present tine.

Qa aboat 20 March, several cases of radiation buras were reported

aboard beth the USS BATBOKO and the USS PHILIP. Examination showed that
in aleost all cases there were discrete areas around the belt line which
corresponded well to some lesions seen on the natives. History indi cated
that these lesions developed soretime between 3 March and 15 March. dJ11

were in the process of healing with desquazation ani mild depignentation
and were quite superficial. The whole body dose was less than 108 and
there were no other synptons.

Three Mbeat operators froa TG 7.3 presented film badges reading


from 85 to 95R and were sent to Kwajalein to be observed by the medica
team on 16’March. Since that time they
badging or
findings agr blood changes. It is likely some discrepancy in of the

wearing of badges mst have taken place as careful exacin
ion to whieh
badges by densitometer revealed nothing
they were sudjected.
all cases in @ ccoserven
It was decided at the outset to manage
arose, avoiding experinentati ee
tive manner, treating symptoms as they
to perform transfusions e-tier
with treatrent but being ready at any tine Sick call was managed daily
of whole blood or platelets if indicated.


Select target paragraph3