eee oe a on verct to Thru: ee iwc il wifi cz do 2a dh aalt “SSccPc ieee _AES Us. DEPARTMENT OF ENERG niSi2ercuadury = - ff - - oe ee EBeseeeS ACTION: Marshall Islands Proprams - The Secretary Deputy Secretary’ . Under Secretary SS (Peake 2 RE ak . PROBLEM: Je Teony Whether the Secretary should transfer the Marshall Islands programs froa the “27 " Office of Environmental Pret ection, Safety, and Emergency Preparedness (EP) to= oS Defenss Programs (DP). . URGENCS: DL SR A promot decision {fs recommenced so that the programs will continue uninterrupted: during status negotiations betweer the United States (U.S.) and the government of . the Marshall Islands concerning the Compact of Free Assocsation. BACKGROUND: . <TR Eee . The U.S. tested 66 nucteer weapons at the Pacific Proving Srounds of Bikinf{ LES and Enowetzk @tclls {n the Marshal) Islands from 1866 to 1958. These islands “== sustafsed cetage from the detonations as sell as from rad‘oective contazinasion.> The peoples of these tro atolls were relocated by the U.S. Goverment to other -'-- areas In the Marshell Uslancs pricr to the tests. The resulting social and ~ 2s technital problems {n the Marshall Islands are the lecacy of the atmospherfe — xd Test we. test progran. . we Starting fr early 1972 with the gradual resettienent ef Bikiai, the dnvolvenest -emd responsibilities of the Department of Enersy (DOE), then the Atomic Energy a - s Cocm!ssion, began to escaiate. The DOE was tasked to conduct a radiological roe resurvey of Bikint (spring 1772) and to gonducs acmassive radiological cleanus: survey of Enewetak. Ouring this same time, Nicronesitn Legal Services Corporatten (MLST) Challenged soth the TIE and the Ciepartment of Cefense {tn Federal court . as the Tegal representative of the Enewetak people. _ The master plan for Enewetak resettlement, a cajor raciological resurvey Of . os "=; Bikint, the Biking Vawsult brought by MLSC, the acquisition of the DOL harshatt = Istands Research Vessel, Liktanur, al} occurred in 1974-1975. From 1975 to Se 1977,:t¢he Brooxhavan National Laboratory (BNL) wedical program, established © fn 1554 {n respons: to the fallout victias of Ronselar and Utirdk atolls, began =~ to expand. An agrf{cultural rescarch program was establ{shed by Lawrence —.-. cata Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) for the DOE at Enewetak. Tah Mid-Paciffc ee! Research Laboratory (established im 1967) was placed under Nevada Operations "= Office (NV) admingstration. 5901553 a