Not to cite a lot of problems without any suggestions, I
recommend that a white paper be developed that clarifies DOE's
position on radiation protection policy as applied to the

Marshalls along with answers to the questions on the total
radiation exposure experience on Rongelap.
A good source of
- yadiological data and advice on these exposures and their
implications is available at Brookhaven National Laboratory
(see Attachment 11).
Translation into Marshallese would be

needed, the Environmental Protection Agency should be
informed, and the paper provided to the Marshallese through
I further recommend that there is a valuable lesson in the

creation of this situation that needs to be told.


of interests that were served, and certainly not those of the
Marshallese, from a health physics viewpoint, transfer of a

unique radiological safety program to DP/NV, a program that
required a high degree of coordination and cooperation between

DOE, DOI, and EPA at the Washington level, was a mistake.
DP's interest in the program appears to have been primarily
the altruistic interests of one person who wanted to change
radiological rules used in the Marshalls,

rules that were

causing hardships through loss of use of contaminated land.
EP's ignoble interest in transferring the program to DP was
apparently to get rid of a hot potato, and had nothing to do

with Safeguard C.

The result is a new low in the annals of

radiation protection standards implemention that should serve
as a warning to those who follow narrow self-serving


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Tommy F. McCraw

Health Physics

Radiological Controls Division

Office of Nuclear Safety


Select target paragraph3