Further in 1965, it was stated that:
Although radiation doses numerically equal to
the RPC's may impose a risk so small that they
can be accepted each year for a lifetime if there
is significant benefit from the programs causing
the exposure, they do not and cannot establish a
dine that is safe on one side and unsafe on the
Rather, some risk of injury may exist at
any level of dose and the risk continuously
increases with dose. Caution should be exercised
in decisions to take protective actions in
situations where projected doses are near the
numerical values of the RPG's since the
biological risks are so low that the actions
could have a net adverse rather than beneficial

effect on the public well-being.

(30 F.R. 6953)

Thus, in carrying out its programs, the Department of Interior

can, without violation of Federal Guides, allow the possibility of

occasional Indivicualdoses in excessof 0.5 rem/yr, provided it has
carefully considered the reason for doing so.

If further information is required, please contact Dr. William A.

Mills of my staff for assistance.

Sincerely yours,


David M. Rosenbaus

Deputy Assistant Administrator

for Radiation Programs (ANR-958)
ec: ‘Dr. Bruce Wachholz, DOE


Select target paragraph3