resonable assurance that the 0.5 rem per year is met, the protection

guide for annual whole body dose is 0.17 rem per capita per year.
Likewise, the annual individual whole body dose of 0.5 rem is iikely to
assure that the 1960 gonadal RPG of 5 rem in 30 years is not exceeded.
The 1960 guides did not inelude internal emitters, but in 1961 additional
guidance was provided to translate the 1960 RPC'’s into daily rates of
intaké of specific radionuclides, e.g., strontiun-89 -90, based on
equivalent organ doses or lower. These guides are basically identical to
those promulgated by the International Commission on Radiological

Additional Federal guidance was provided as Protective Action

Guides by President Johnson in 1964 (29 F.R. 12056) and in 1965 (30 FR.

6953). This guidance is applicable to acute localized contaminating
events. Only Category III for controlling the *...long-term transmission
of strontius-90 through soil into plants in the years following...*
applies to the Enewetak situation, since the other PAG'’s are limitations
imposed in the first year following the event. The numerical dose limits
for Category ID are effectively identical to the RPG's quoted above
after the first year.

In our view, the 1960 RPG's and the operational techniques for

ee mn

their attainment are applicable to the Federal programs concerned with


Canthe 1960 FederalGuides be exceeded?

The guigance states the following:
It ds recommended that:



7. The Federal agencies apply these Radiation
Protection Guides with judgment and discretion,
to assure that reasonable probability is achieved
in the attainment of the desired goal of

protecting man from the undesirable effects of

The Guides may be exceeded only efter

the Federal agency having jurisdiction over the

matter has carefully considered the reason for
Going so in light of the recommendations in this



(25 F.R. 4802)


Select target paragraph3