Three. These data were collected during the August 1981 Field trip to

Bongelap and have been modified to accurately reflect the typical living
pattern ofthe population at Rongelap Atoll.


The effective dose-equivalent rate from internal Cs-137 increases as body

mass decreases (see Table Three).

This occurs because the increase in

specific activity which results ween body mass decreases more than offsets the
decline in the arount of photon energy absorbed by the body.

most pronounced in the infant.

This effect, is

Studying the diet of the infant and measuring

Ce-137 activity io breast milk will provide {nformation to determine the dose
equivalent for persons too young to participate in the personnel monitoring


Recent results for current and previously collected breast milk

sanples are summarized in Table Four.

The consistent ratio berween activity

in preast milk am body burden will allow aasesement of infant's Ca-137 dose
equivalent based on historic body-burden data for the mother.

An assessment of the 1982 anmal coonitted effective dose equivalent at
Rongelap Atoll is given for the average adult in Table Five.

The activity

intake data for Sr-90, Fe-55, amt Co-60 were based on extropolation of prior
body-burden and urine anlayses data, and a mathematical model describing the
declining contimious intake pattern which was exhibited in the Rongelap
population prior co 1981.

Bi~207 activity was below our minimum detection

lintts, thus, the impact on total comnitted effective dose equivalent is


The intake for Ca-137 was based on the 198] and 1982 field

Weasirements amd a mathematical model for increasing contimious intake.


total effective dose equivalent of 6.1z107* Sv (61 mrem) for the calendar year
1982 is less than the sz107! Sv (300 mres) anmial linit recommended by the

International Commission on Radicological Protection (ICRP Publication 26)


Select target paragraph3