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The everage adult male Rongelap body-burden for Cs-137 rose $6 from

6.7Kk3Bq (0.18 vCi) to 1MBq (0.28 VCi) during the incerval July 1981 to June
1982. The mean adult female Ca-137 body burden increased 112% from 6.9K3q

-£0.29 UCL) £0 7.203q (0.21 ¥CL); the male adolescent body burden remained at
6.3E3Bq (0.17 2 Ci); the female adolescent bedy burden decreased 152 from 9.3KBq (0.25 wet) to 8.1KBq (0.22 uCi); for male children it increased 9% from 4.0K Bq

CO.21 wCl) to 4.4K3Bq (0.12 UCL) and for female childen it increased 822 fron

3. Bq (0.093 v CL) to 6.9Bq (0.17 CL).

Overall, the population exhibited a

1.82 per wooth rise in Ca-137 body burden during the July 1981 to June 1982

This follows an apparently constant body burden (0.0% per month

tise) of Csa-137 during the previous twenty four sonth interval, August 1979 to
August 1981 and s constant declining bedy burden from the early 1960's util

1979 (see Graph One).

This recent increase may have resulted from the

relaxing of restrictions to the northern islands of Rongelap Atoll as = source
ef cocomts and eocomt crabs.

<A svmmary of the Rongelap Atoll residents’

June 1982 average Cs8-137 body burden is given in Table Two.
The effective dose equivalent rate on July 10, 1982 from gamma emitters
was estimated for various average body masses (see Table Three) for persons
residing at Rongelap Atoll.

These body masses represent the meac body mass of

the adult, adolescent, and juvenile groups. The nuclide Ca-137 contributes the
greatest porticn of the total effective dose equivalent rate.

The effective


dose equivalent rate fram Co-60 and Bi-207 was estimated to ve less ‘than
5x10°° Sv a” (0.5 msrem per year) ami was based on the aininum detection linit
of the direct whole-body courting system.

The net (natural background sub-

tracted) external effective dose-squivalent rate is also reported in Table


Select target paragraph3