Summary of
Radiological Guidelines for the
DOE Conference on EPA Transuranic Guides
Wayne R. Hansen
Los Alamos National Laboratory

The Department of Energy (DOE) programs for Surplus Facilities
and Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) has

prepared some draft criteria for residual radiation levels.


paper summarizes a joint effort by Los Alamos Nationa) Laboratory,
Argonne National Laboratory, Oak Ridge Operations, and Bechtel

National, Inc., to prepare a background document for such criteria.
The FUSRAP sites in the DOE program involve a wide range of
radioactive contamination in soils, building wastes, sludges, and
chemical residues.

The majority of site contaminants involve

‘higher than normal, naturally occurring radionuclides and three
sites involve fission products and transuranics.

Before remedial

action decisions on these sites were possible, some basis for

decision regarding completion of remedial action was necessary.
In 1981, the DOE Inspector General stated that decisions

regarding the need for remedial actions should be based on site
specific health effects assessments and a cost/benefit analysis.

To meet the needs of the program, OROQ-831 was prepared based on DOE
Standards for Radiation Protection of the Public.


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