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4. The recommendations are to be used only as radiation protection
guidance for presently existing cases of environmental contamination by
transuranium elements and for possible future cases of environmental
contamination from unplanned releases of transuranium elements. Federal

agencies are not to use them as limits for planned releases of —
transuranium elements into the general environment.


Remedial actions for contaminated sites should be planned to

provide maxisum protection of the public health at reasonable cost, and

should be implemented with the objective of minimizing adverse impacts on
the environment.




The relationship between the projected dose rates to persons in

a “critical segment of the population" and the ambient concentration of
transuraniua elements in air, soil and food is to be determined on a
site-specific basis, taking into account all possible environmental
pathways. For purposes only of eliminating certain lands from further
more detailed evaluation, a soil “screening level" of 0.2 uCi/me@ of
alpha-emitting transuranium elements, for samples collected at the™
surface to a depth of 1 cm and for particle sizes less than 2 am, may be
used under post circumstances.

Areas which do not exceed the "screening

level" generally may be considered in compliance with the

recommendations; those that exceed it would require further evaluation to
determine the actual dose rates to exposed persons. The “screening
level® is not to be used by Federal agencies as a soil concentration

limit for purposes of implementing these recommendations.

Select target paragraph3