In order to assure the protection of persons in the general

population by limiting the radiation doses that an individual] in a

critical segment of the population may receive from concentrations of
transurenium elements present above average background levels in the

general environment, the following recomendations shall apply for the
guidance of Federal agencies:

1. Dose rates to persons in the general population for continuing
exposure to transuranium elements should not excced the recosmendations
provided in Federal Radiation Guidance No. 1, and reasonable efforts
should be made to keep all exposures as low as reasonably achievable.


Contamination levels in the general environment should be

limited to assure that the annual alpha radiation dose rate to menbers of
the critical segment of the exposed population as the result of exposure

to transuranium elements not exceed either:

‘a. 1 millirad per year to the pulmonary lung, or

3 millirad per year to the bone or 40 aillirad per year
to the bone surfaces.

3. For newly contaminated areas, the Federal agency responsible for
implementation of these recommendations should take immediate action to
minimize both the residual levels of transuranium elements in the general

environment and the radiation exposure of the general public.
Determination and implementation of further appropriate measures, ‘to
ensure that projected dose rates to persons in the general population are
as low as reasonably achievable and in ful] compliance with the above
recommendations, should begin as promptly as possible and should be
completed within a reasonable period of time.

Select target paragraph3