
Between 500 and 1,000 Yards.

Wearly 100% fatalities

may be expected, with deaths occuring at various tines
within the first three weeks after detonation and
devending ucen the degree and nature of exposure,


types of injuries sustained vould agnin vary widely,
In practically all cases, ionizing radiation could be
the primary cause of death, though in many instances
it may not be,

Between 1,000 and 1,500 Yards. The likelihood of fatal
injury due to the effects of ionizing radiations would be
greatly reduced, but the likelihood of serious injury by

flash and flame remains high,

It may be expected that

fatalities in this area would total approximately 50;
of all individuals vresent,
Between 1,500 and 2,500 Yards,

Tonizing radiation may

be expected to cause many non-fatal injuries, but practically
all fatalisies would be directly attributable to other


It is likely that approximately 154 of all people

in the area would be killed,
Between 2,500 and 3,000 Yards,

Fatalities would be rare,

probably 15 to 2% of all versons in the zone,

Most of

them would be due to thermal burns or to indirect effects
of the blast.
Beyond 3,000 Yards,

Few, if any, injuries may be antici-





Select target paragraph3