produced by blast, flying debris and structural collapse.
They would be similar to those resulting from ordinary

high explosive raids of comparable destructive force
and would cover a wide range of individual severity.
Phose Peculisr to Atomic Attack,

These injuries, which

may be observed either alone or in combination with
other listed immediately above, are caused by sxposure

to lonizing radiations,

In non-fatal cases, the general

signa and symptoms of such injuries usually become
apparent from three to 21 days after exposure,


include malaise, nausea, bloody diarrhea, prolonged blood
clotting time, and reduced resistence to infection and

Administration of whole blood represents the

principal form of effective treatment,

Promptly administer-

ed, it may be expected to save the lives of many "borderline"
Georgraphical Distribution of Casualties.

In general, but with

marked "spotiness" attributable to "chance shielding" and other
factors, the nature and percentage of casualties would be
directly dependent upon distance from the point of detonation.
Overwall distribution estimates, based on distances from the
center of impact, are ag follows:

Within 500 Yards.
be expected,

Nearly 100% immediate fatalities may

They would be due to exposure to ionizing

radiation, blast, burns, structural collapse and numeroud
other factors,


Select target paragraph3