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A? ang wit all radiological defense operations conducted at the time of and
immediately following atomic attack will be in large measure directly
dependent uwnon the extent to which the nublic mey oreviously have been
prepered to neet the eventuezlities of such attack.

Maximum protection

requires sound and thomough »reparction of the entire civil nopulution well
in advance of the time of actual attack,
aducation of the Public of Paramount Importance,

Education of the

“ablic in respect to the true potentials and actual limitctions of atomic
warfare is the only means by which the civil population may be adequately
prepared to meet the eventualities of atomic attack,

Prompt development

and implementation of such an educaii onal program is a major undertaking
of vital tmportance to national security,

Objectives of the Tducetional Program,

It is generally egrecd that

the »sychological aspects of atomic warfare are of maximum military and
politicel sienificance,

No srevious tyne of werfcare has offered such rich

It is, therefore,

opportunities to exoloit fear of the unseen and the unknown.

obvious that the orimary objective of a vrogram of education of the sutlic
in respect to atomic warfare should te to dispel the current unjustified fear

of the radiological hazards involved in such warfare and to develop a vhole~
some understandings of and resvect for the sotentials of atomic weavons,
Develo-ment of an Zducational Plan a Civil Defense Responsibility,


view of its vital importance to our national security, development of a plan
for the education of the public designed adequately to prepare the civil
population for the eventualities of atomic attack properly is a primary
responsibility of the Office of Civil Defense,

Detailed preparation of the

plan would be the duty of the Chief of the Training Division,

However, the


Select target paragraph3