
traffic which mst be handled by these facilities, individual members and
functional components of the local radiological defense organization should
be required to adhere to the following communication procedures:
fransmissionsof all types must be kept to an absolute minimum,


the main, radiological defense messages should be confined to issuance of
directions and revorting of essential digests of information concerning the

radiological situation,

Radiological defense personnel should not undertake

personally to operate (that is, call or talk over) either police or fire
radio communication facilities,

Instead they should write out, in the briefest

possible form embodying absolute clarity of meaning, any and all messages
which require transmission,

These would be turned over to the police and

fire communications operators for transmission in accordance with approved

procedures and established priority schedules,
As soon after attack as operational »rocedures permit, available
televhonic communication service should be utilized in order to reduce traffic

on the radio systems,

As a generel rule, direct lines to the local civil

defense aperational headquarters would be available at regular or emergency
police or fire stations and sub—headquarters,
Special Radiological Defense Communications Code,

Serious consider-tion

should be given the desirability of developing a simple, standardized communication
code for use in radiological defense operations.
brevity of operstional messages,

Such a code would allow for

It would also provide the aecurity essential

in transmission of technical information.

Moximum Protection Requires Thorough Public Prevarction,

The efrectiveness


Select target paragraph3