Their duty would be to collect and interpret technical information on

rate and intensity of radiation necessary to prevent overexposure of
personnel whose civil defense duties require their entry into radiologically
hazardous areas,
Radiological Defense Pechnical Service Units should always accompany,

or precede, the police, firefighting, rescue and other oper:tional groups
to which assigned into any and all areas where there is reason to believe
that ionizing radiations may be encountered,

On the basis of the radiation

rate and intensity data secured, the radiological defense personnel would
advise the leaders of those units

concerning the

maximum period of time which

workers may remain in specific radiologically hazardous areas without likelihood of injury,

Withdrawals and replacements made in accordance with the

advice furnished should provide vrotection from radiation injuries for all
persons engaged in posteattack civil defense operations,
Radiological Defense Technical Service Units assigned to firefighting
groups are likely to be among the first, if not the very first, radiological
defense units to detect the presence of ionizing radiations in bombed areas,
Therefore they report their initial detections to the Radfological Situation
Plotting Center in the operational headquarters of the local Civil Defense
Director via established channels of communication,

All sienificant data

must, of course, be incorporated in the plot.


Generol Organization Requirements,

Effective radiological defense on a

Nationwide scale necessitates not only immediate establishment of a separate
Radiological Defense Division in the Office of Civil Defense, but also immediate


Select target paragraph3