Flotting Center in the operational headquarters of the local Civil Defense
Director via estcblished channels of communication.

There they would te

graphically vortrayed on charts of the locality in order to vrovide current

information on the radiological situation,
Tycluation of the deta collected by the Area Survey Tits and summarized

on the Radiolsgical Situation Plot would srovide the local Civil Defense

Director with information vitel to proper discharge of his duties and responsi~

It also would furnish the volice, firefighting, rescue and other

civil defense groups with facts essential to proceeéing

safely with their

respective operations,
In this connection, it should be obvious that negative information -~that is, no rediations detected — gathered by area Survey Units may often
be of as great, and sometimes even greater, importance than vositive data,
For example, should the area sutvey onerations disclose no radiological hazards
within certein areas, 211 civil defense activities within those varticular
sections can be conducted without fesr of injuries resulting from over~-exposure
to lonizing radiations,

In addition, the civil population can also be

assurec that no radiological dangers exist therein.
fechnical Service Overctions.

Each local rediological defense organization

should have.among its components from ten to 100 Radiological Defense Technical
Service Units for assignment to various Civil Defense Services,

These groups

should be composed of from two to 20 individuals fully trained and specially
equizped to detect and measure ionizing rediations,

They would operate under

technical direction of the Radiological Defense Operations Officer (Technical
Service Units) ani under tactical direction of the individual in charze of the
nolice, firefishting, medical or other operrtional unit to which assigned,


Select target paragraph3